All posts tagged: birthday

Work hard, play harder. When the Austrian crew goes partying

My last week in Wanaka is filled with fun, too much fun sometimes. So it happened that after a sweaty night of Dancing in the Dark on Wednesday and crazy dancing at the staff party on Thursday we celebrated our fellow Ski Instructor Markus’ birthday on Friday. Lederhosen, Party Hats and Beer pong where just some of the highlights while I was there…. unfortunately I missed what happened after midnight – but getting up early on Saturday morning for a skiing road trip to Ohau was a pretty good excuse to head home. Happy Birthday, Markus – thanks for the fun night!

Piha says Haere rā with rainbow colours & golden sunset

The two weeks I had in Piha were outstanding overall but my last weekend was picture perfect and couldn’t have been any better. One of the reasons was Emmy turning eight last Saturday and the great birthday party going on at the house, a rainbow loom party to be precise and I was impressed by all the effort and creativity put into the party preparations by all the family members. No question that the birthday girl was really excited on the birthday morning and was up really (!) early. And what a surprise that the whole family was dressed up in onesies (and the eager readers will already know what piece of clothing that is). Most impressive was Dad’s pink unicorn costume and especially the pride and attitude he wore it with. For reasons of unicorn-privacy I’ll just show the unicorn-body as he was climbing up the porch to have a look at the waves from the roof: What a cool Dad! Or can you imagine your Dad wearing a pink unicorn onesie? Even the people not so …

The best nights are when there’s not enough time to take pictures

The day I officially turned 30 was terrible: I was sick, alone and mostly asleep. Back then I had taken the decision to postpone my birthday by exactly three months and 160 lines of longitude. From 3 October 2013 to 03 January, from Wellington to Ebensee. And so it happened! Last Friday some good friends came along to celebrate in style and it was pure joy to see all those faces again. Thanks to everyone involved – my Mum for temporarily moving out, all the friends for traveling to Ebensee (which is tricky, I know), special thanks to Magdalena for chopping up chicken and veggies for a 20 person yellow curry, the FH choir for composing and singing a song and of course all those lovely presents. You all know how perfect they were! Since I didn’t really have time to take pictures during the party I’ll steal one of Madeleine’s, showing me & the study buddies after their special performance. Hope to see all of you again soon – also the ones not in …

Turning 30: I’m still lost but at least in the right direction

Exactly one month ago I turned 30. Quietly, without a big party, without friends and family, just by myself so that nobody would notice how old I am getting. I took my birth date off my Facebook profile, I didn’t tell anybody in New Zealand, I did it so well that even I almost believed I am not turning 30. Only almost though. Thanks to the lovely people calling from all over the world reminding me. Of course I had planned it completely different: Whenever I thought about turning 30 I imagined myself amidst a huge party, with all my friends. When the magical day got closer I looked up where I would be and oh – how lucky I felt when I figured out my birthday would fall on the same day as Cardrona’s end of season party. I could already see myself celebrating with all the ski instructor mates – partying the night away, feeling like a dancing queen and celebrating life – just like we used to do during the season. When I …