All posts tagged: Feuerkogel

Spent 46 hours and 36 minutes on the lift this season

Time to wrap up the season! I’m not a big fan of measuring things but Skiline is a nice tool to get an idea how many vertical meters, lift rides and kilometers you did on your skis or board. Just counting the work days it all adds up to: Looking forward to adding some more Kiwi vertical meters – will I?

Work hard, play hard. The annual Ski Instructor Race.

This was my first season as a Snow Sports Instructor so I had no idea what to expect when I got the invitation for the annual Snow Sports Instructors race. I was told to expect a big party but even in my wildest dreams I could not expect what was going to happen that day. Probably more than 100 instructors from all over Upper Austria coming to tiny Feuerkogel ski field to first race against each other and then party together. If the competition was about partying, our team would probably have won. In the snowboarding competition we came second (the three smiling people on the left – not in the picture is our disqualified friend who missed one of the first poles…). Will have to get him clean goggles for next year.  Being held on the last day of the season we stayed as long as we could – partying outside until it got dark and the last cable car owent down to the valley. Buses full of – let’s say “cheerful” – ski …

“Yeah, not too bad. Do it again…” says the Instructor

We’re in the middle of Ski Instructor qualification and every day is the same: Getting up the mountain at 8 am, skiing until 2 pm, getting down the mountain, quick shower, classes from 4-9 pm with a quick dinner break. And exams. A lot of exams… both on- and off-piste, on the mountain and off the mountain. Doing the same run over and over again and you can never reach perfection. Just when you think you’ve bent your knees the right way this time, you can be sure another part of your body did something wrong. Highlight of the week is getting a “Yeah, not too bad.” from your Instructor. And then hearing “Do it again.”